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This page only has INFORMATION about LDS videos: films made by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

To purchase LDS videos, including the widest selection of films and videos about Latter-day Saints, including movies such as "God's Army", "The Singles Ward", and "The Other Side of Heaven," visit your local LDS bookstore, or you can order online from LDS Video.

LDS Video stocks a complete line of retail-available Church-made videos in its Church Distribution videos and DVDs section.

To purchase Church-made videos ONLY, you can visit any Church Distribution center. Many can be borrowed from your local meetinghouse library.

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LDS Videos

Sampling of Films Produced by the institutional Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

This is not a complete listing of LDS videos or "Church videos." This listing is primarily focused on films that are dramas, fiction, or otherwise have a strong narrative component, even if they are educational in purpose. There are, of course, many other videos not listed here that are purely educational or instructional in content. See also: Church-produced films made by Wetzel O. Whitaker

Church Distribution Titles

The list below includes the majority of currently available widely distributed video and DVD titles available from Church Distribution (the official materials distribution branch of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints) in 2004. This represents only a fraction of all videos distributed by the Church, as older titles are continually going out of print and are no longer available to be orderd, and new titles are continually being released. Also, title which are more restricted in distribution (such as specific training videos used only by leaders or specific branches of the Church) are not listed below:

Some Independently Musicals Produced for Latter-day Saint Market Which are Available as Straight-to-Video Films

When Church members talk about an "LDS video," they frequently mean any video/DVD about Gospel themes and topics, made primarily for Latter-day Saints. Often the phrase "Church video" will be used specifically to refer to a film made by the Church of an official audiovisual arm of the Church, such as BYU Motion Picture Studios. But such a distinction is not always observed. Occasionally some Latter-day Saints speak or write about "LDS Videos" when they simply mean broadly available, mainstream films that generally reflect Latter-day Saint ethical values. We do not recommend this usage.

Some Independent Straight-to-Video Dramas Made for Latter-day Saint Market

"Docudrama of the Restoration" video series from Living Scriptures, Inc.

Some Other Films Made by the Church, or made by BYU Motion Picture Studios for the Church

Feature Films with Major Latter-day Saint Characters" web page created 9 February 2001. This page (LDS Videos / LDSVideos / LDS Video) split from original pages on 19 October 2004. Last modified 22 February 2005.